Please! LISTEN to me! Read this through! I swear I tell the truth before God!

  • God is judging America. I have personal testimony attesting to this that I NEED to share so we might avoid suffering greater judgments! Here is my testimony (I swear to under penalties of perjury): as Elijah asked God to judge Israel w/ drought (to return it to Him) I asked God to judge America w/ 911 about a ½ hour BEFORE the attacks so I know God judged in 911. I am in process of providing supporting exhibits (communications from/to Pres. Bush, character witnesses, affidavits, recordings, audio-visual etc) here and that is also where a fuller sounding of the alarm is found.


  • Why pray for judgment? Because it curbs sin. And, when combined with the gospel it can be used to turn us back to God. Judging by all His judgments going on, God thinks we need them. We rob God of His glory, worship idols, murder tens of millions of unborn, are impure ETC ETC so there WERE and still ARE 100’s of millions of Americans on their way to hell. It is better to have suffer some temporal than to have millions suffer eternal judgment. (Click here for Scriptures showing that it is right to pray such prayers given the right circumstances).


  • America didn’t repent after 911, so 7 yrs later in 2008 I asked God for a Great Recession.


  • America is still unrepentant in 2015, so, God’s word warns greater judgment nears. Given that judgment and mercy only come together in this world… (see the longer version of Another911JudgmentNears – link at end of post).


  • Scripture shows God demands “life for life” requital so 56 million murdered means 56 million American lives are required. The Bible is true (100’s of predictions that were fulfilled shows that). We must QUICKLY REPENT & FIND FORGIVENESS in Jesus!


  • My motive is to avoid incurring blood guilt by not sounding the alarm as a watchman (cf Ezekiel 33; Acts 20) because I know with certainty that God judged on 9/11 and in 2008 AND, that because America still refuses to repent and believe, far greater judgments are coming.


  • I learned by reading Leviticus 25 and Jonathan Cahn’s The Mystery of the Shemitah that God required in Israel a release (Hebrew: shemitah) from debts every 7 year cycle. God taught many things thereby to His people, such as that they were not slaves of work or one another (cf. Proverbs 22:7) but of Him who in loving kindness had redeemed them from such oppression by the blood of the Lamb so that they would enjoy being His freed and happy servants.


  • While its true all ceremonial laws were fulfilled by and in Jesus’ person and ministry, the civil law still requires things of us in terms of a “general equity” (so the Westminster Confession of Faith Chap 19:4). Scripture interpreting Scripture, what does this shemitah principle require in the New Covenant after Messiah came? One thing that is for sure is that God forbids perpetualized, oppressive debt.


  • Most interestingly, in God’s providence, through and in the wake of 911, God taught me the fraudulent nature of commercial loans (see Another911JudgmentNears for detailed proofs from the highest authorities). The moral law in Leviticus 19 and a host of other Scriptures shows that fraudulent loans are doubly required to be canceled! American law rooted in Scripture as well has required this and courts used to upheld it (cf the Supreme Court in US v. Throckmorton). But the courts aren’t anymore. They are partners in the fraud as I along with hundreds and thousands of American homeowners have learned. Having learned of the fraudulent nature of these “liar loans”, having disputed the “devil debts” with the “pretender lenders”, having brought plenty of proof of far more than just robo signing frauds to the courts, we are trampled underfoot! Scripture, truth, justice, Constitution, and rights are trampled underfoot just as it was in Isaiah 1 & 59’s day! God’s indictments against Israel in those two Scriptures fit perfectly against our country and its leaders! In the matter of money, banking and debts, God shows corrupt leaders in rebellion against the law: “Your silver has become dross, [Constitution Art. 1, Sect. 10 requires gold and silver because the founders learned from Scripture and history to reject fraudulent paper currency1 but this is rebelled against] your wine mixed with water. Your princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves; everyone loves bribes, and follows after rewards. [Congress in the Federal Reserve Act and since and courts in refusing to do justice] They do not defend the fatherless, nor does the cause of the widow come before them. [they should be like guarding fathers to those unable to defend themselves from powerful thieves like the banksters, but they are not!]. Therefore the Lord says, the LORD of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, “Ah, I will rid Myself of My adversaries, and take vengeance on My enemies. I will turn My hand against you, and thoroughly purge away your dross, and take away all your alloy. I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counselors as at the beginning. Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city.” See from that how important sound currency, sound debts and sound economics was to justice! GIVEN THAT GOD REQUIRED EVEN NON FRAUDULENT DEBTS CANCELLED EVERY 7th YEAR, HOW MUCH MORE DOES HIS FOREVER BINDING MORAL LAW REQUIRE CANCELLATION OF FRAUDULENT (PERPETUALIZED) DEBTS?


  • I am SURE God revealed the fraudulent nature of these debts to me for a purpose! Its too striking the providence. Like George Washington spoke of God’s remarkable care and providence for our country, so I say – it could only have been His special providence that brought out a) His disgust for perpetualized debt, b) His required release for debt, and c) the truth (generally denied/little acknowledged) that in fact 911 and 2008 WERE His divine judgments to call us back to Him, to call us to pray “forgive us our debts” and to require us (and particularly bankers and Congress and courts) to pray “as we forgive our debtors”. I am thankful God brought all this to attention through Cahn. But much more needs to be told!


  • I am suffering firsthand the very oppression and injustice Leviticus 25 and other Scriptures forbid, the very reason God requires a release in the general equity of His law. Merely for lawfully requesting proof of being given a non-fraudulent loan from lenders who failed and refused to give it, and despite our proving their fraudulent debts, they and the courts STILL refuse to release us! As the Scripture in Isaiah 1 above shows, this does not bode well for them before “the Mighty One of Israel”! As Washington remarked about God’s providence in our founding, so here: it is absurd to think all this is by chance! It all dovetails with what God through brother Jonathan has been sounding forth: judgment came in 911 and 2008’s Great Recession and because we have not repented is coming in greater measure unless we DO HURRY UP AND REPENT! I bank on God’s covenant documents and court and His promise/threat above, rejoicing in both the graciousness and justice of God that Jesus as the Lord of the Sabbath (rest/release) and as God’s Jubilee Incarnate will soon bring more manifestly than ever the wonderful things said about Him in Isaiah 61 -justice to His adversaries that He might show mercy to His people who trust in Him! May He somehow use all of this to cause what is written on the Liberty Bell to sound through America, Israel and the world: “PROCLAIM LIBERTY THROUGHOUT ALL THE LAND UNTO ALL THE INHABITANTS THEREOF LEV. XXV X.” That is my earnest prayer!


  • Yet, BECAUSE as in 01 and 08 America as a country refused to release our moral and spiritual debts to Jesus (God’s “Jubilee Incarnate” due to His being bound and suffering the full penalty of the perpetual/eternal debt at the cross) and is still not crying to Him “forgive us our debts”, and BECAUSE as in 01 or 08 neither fraudulent bankers or corrupt Congress or courts said we “forgive our debtors” to release from fraudulent debts and as in my and thousands of other court cases are still refusing to say we “forgive our debtors”, GOD CLEARLY WARNS IN SCRIPTURE THAT HE WILL BRING JUDGMENT AND ENFORCE HIS LAW THE HARD WAY BECAUSE we/they REFUSE God’s GOOD WAYS and Jesus’ EASY YOKE. So be it if they refuse after this call to repentance too- may God be glorified in their condemnation if they will refuse His Salvation in Y’shua. I have and do pray that the Lord Jesus Christ, Ruler of the Kings of the earth (Psalm 2; Revelation 1:5) would bring the full measure of just judgment needed to release us IF our leaders and bankers do not repent. We must all bear in mind His words: God might but WILL Enforce His word as He said in Isaiah’s day against His “adversaries”. Though slow to anger, see how righteously angered He gets over these issues of fraudulent money/currency and lending and perpetualized debt in Exodus 22, Leviticus 26, 2 Chronicles 36, Malachi 3, Matthew 21:12 et al.


  • Elul 29 is the day of release and would be September 13, 2015 on our calendar. PERHAPS God has a purpose in drawing attention to the required release of debts by Cahn’s communications. PERHAPS He is making us realize He required release from oppressive, perpetualized NON FRAUDULENT loans to underscore HOW MUCH MORE HE REQUIRES CANCELLATION OF FRAUDULENT LIAR LOANS! Perhaps He will bring an end to these fraudster bankers and US government if they don’t repent this time in 2015 as I call them again in my court documents to repent! I make no predictions about dates, but Scripture predicts judgments in this life and after this life (a burning lake of fire for all liars, cowards, and fraudsters – I Cor. 6:9-11; Rev. 21:8). PERHAPS thoughts about the possibility that God enforced shemitahs in 01 and 08 occurred to draw attention to Scriptural principles and to at least give a measure of warning that He COULD enforce a release in 2015. PERHAPS to give us who so richly deserve judgment pause to shed our pride for just a minute to consider if the mighty US government empire (distinct from the righteous) could fall like the mighty Roman, Persian, Greek or Assyrian or Nazi empires! Jonah preached to Ninevah: “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” Only by repenting were they not destroyed. NONE of us have any other hope either: repentance, release and restitution or eventual destruction.


  • I request that you help me share this testimony so THE ALARM MAY BE FURTHER SOUNDED – especially 1) for skeptics who deny Cahn’s ability to say God judged America in 9-1-20011 and 2008 and 2) for the call to be sounded by me for the cancellation of FRAUDULENT debts. Let me attest to the lie of the denial of judgment via the slough of evidences I have and by oath calling down God’s judgment on myself if I am lying!! Let me do as well what Scripture requires me too: publicly expose these works of darkness (Ephesians 5) and reprove these oppressors (Isaiah 1), calling them to repent, release, restitute (gold and silver coin) so that God does not have to judge.


  • Not only is this message urgent in terms of what our country will face in the future unless it repents, but it is urgent because the Bible declares for every individual: “it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27) and so we must repent and trust Messiah Jesus to save us TODAY: “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2).


  • Because I have firsthand personal knowledge that 911 and 2008 were judgments, I am burdened for our country to repent and receive the benefits of Jesus’ suffering judgments in the place of all who trust Him! Yet I greatly fear, because Scripture warns that countries and individuals STILL not repenting after lesser judgments will suffer greater measures of judgment (see Another911JudgmentNears link at end of post). Scripture repeatedly sounds that warning in places cited in Another911JudgmentNears.


  • Given the nearly complete lack of taking God, sin, judgments and Christ’s cross seriously thus far, after 14 years and after repeated warnings as well as proofs from Scriptures, laws and our Constitution, this next judgment could be absolutely CATACLYSMIC! But good news: if, and only if, we truly repent, cling to Jesus alone as our only salvation, and show that in our every day lives by obeying God, God could make what could have been a time of judgment a time of restoration! God be praised, isn’t this just what Jesus was Anointed and sent by God to do?- see Isaiah 61 which describes Him as the fulfillment of the release, jubilee and liberty Moses called God’s people to by various laws, types and shadows!


  • I am doing all I can to warn my country. Please help me sound the alarm so our country does not need to suffer or die spiritually or physically as in 911! I subject myself and records to your grilling scrutiny! Look through, interview me, give me a chance but do not risk incurring blood guilt by not letting me share firsthand personal testimony that God judged and SURELY WILL judge us if we refuse to repent! Help me help America turn back to God and so avert a bullet: “If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves…”!

Thank you,

Rev. James Graveling


For further information read:

Longer Version of Another 9/11 Judgment Nears




1 George Washington articulated the father’s concern behind Art. 1, Sect. 10: “Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice.” (accessed online on 5/27/15 at Daniel Webster as well articulated the father’s concerns behind said part of the Constitution stating: “Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effectual than that which deludes them with paper money. This is the most effectual of inventions to fertilize the rich man’s field by the sweat of the poor man’s brow. Ordinary tyranny, oppression, excessive taxation, these bear lightly on the happiness of the mass of the community, compared with a fraudulent currency” (Speeches in Congress (1853) Speeches in the convention to amend the constitution of Massachusetts; Speeches in Congress, p. 394-395 (accessed online on 5/27/15 at

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