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Hear the Rod!

I swore to gov & media in Jan. 2021 why God led me to pray for Covid as He led the prophet Elijah to pray for drought. In this video I: 1) verify those sworn words by sharing how God led me to pray – as America takes an average of 3000 lives a day…

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Romans 11 Sermon Series

Ezekiel 14 Sermon

Warning – Another 9/11 Like Judgment Nears

Please! LISTEN to me! Read this through! I swear I tell the truth before God! God is judging America. I have personal testimony attesting to this that I NEED to share so we might avoid suffering greater judgments! Here is my testimony (I swear to under penalties of perjury): as Elijah asked God to judge…

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Some argue that imprecatory prayers were suitable for the Old Testament (OT) saints, but not for New Testament (NT) saints1. Not only would this violate the unity of the Scriptures as the Book of the Covenant, but it would postulate that God changed or that His Old Testament ethics were inferior to His in the…

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A Biblical Defense Of My Imprecatory Prayer On 9/11

My God YHWH is real! His word is truth! Yes, the God of the Bible really acts in history! Yes, He really answers His people’s prayers through Jesus Christ! My imprecatory prayer on 911 is just another in a whole string of instances that could be cited. An imprecatory prayer asks God to intervene with…

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The Untold Story About 911

James 5:16-18 records how God answered Elijah’s imprecatory prayer* for a terrible drought that took the lives of untold numbers: “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours,…

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Click the links to listen to the sermons. Your King – Lowly Parent and Child Roles Esther – Part 1 Esther – Part 2 Be Men Of Courage Abiding in Christ Isaiah 1 Applied to America: If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here https://chirb.it/89rmbe Check this out on Chirbit