Illustrating the oppression, abuse and violations of laws and our rights all of which God in Scripture forbids and our Constitution guarantees, this recording was taken Feb. 7, 2013 of an agent of BankUnited NA (who fraudulently claimed rights to our house) who came to our door to induce us to leave our land/home by innuendos or clear words/papers threatening the next AM we’d be hauled off at gunpoint by the law and our land/house could be sold out from under us fear, threat, intimidation, and the like. He admits knowledge of bank’s wrongdoings, his violated conscience, and his lack of assurance of going to heaven for his work.

As stated elsewhere, this occurred after simply in good faith requesting proof of a true loan and valid contract after we learned of banking/mortgage fraud with our loan. Providing only fraudulent documents as their grounds in response, and ignoring expert witness affidavits (which they left unrebutted) showing they had no lawful grounds to foreclose, they nevertheless unlawfully foreclosed on us Jan. 18, 2013.


Part 1:


Part 2: